Whole communities are healthier and safer when dog and cat populations have access to essential care and services like animal control and veterinary medicine. Join Animal Care & Community Empowered Safety Society (ACCESS), a network of Indigenous communities, as we rethink and reroute animal-related resources and policies to realize greater community health and safety for everyone, whether they have two legs or four.
Human and animal wellness is our focus as our future is interconnected.
Improving Indigenous Community Health and Safety
Maaqtusiis, Ahousaht
Addressing Common Challenges Together
Our current initiatives include expanding animal services (including veterinary services), to more Indigenous communities, reducing human/wildlife conflict risks in our communities, sharing empathy-developing programs for children and youth, and advocating for policies that promote animal wellbeing and community health and safety for all. With your help, we can continue to make a positive impact.
Services Provided
Many rural and remote Indigenous communities in our neck of the woods have similar challenges: limited access to essential veterinary services, a lack of access to animal sheltering and animal control services, minimal access to dog socialization training professionals, etc. By networking together, we aim to improve access to the animal services with an eye to improving overall community health and safety for everyone.